Academic Skills Support

Helping you with Intensive English A

This webpage is to help students in the Intensive English A program in the English Department, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Kyoto Sangyo University. It is an introduction to the skills you will need to succeed at university.

How this website can help you

To help make things easier, we have organized our content into four areas: 1. Student life and study habits, 2. Study and academic skills, a 3. Focus on writing for class and a 4. Focus on doing presentations. Click on the area you want to know more about, and get started!

person writing on the notebook
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Student life and study habits

For many students, time at university is about learning life skills as well as academic skills. Click on the title or image to find out how to develop good habits that will support your university life and beyond.

woman standing in hallway while holding book
Photo by Anastasiya Gepp on

The academic skills you need

The English skills you learnt at high school like speaking and listening are important, but university study in English is so much more. Click on the title or image to find out about the kind of skills you need to develop.

woman typing on laptop
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Focus: Writing for class

Being able to write well is a skill you will use all your life. Click on the title or image to find out how to develop the skills you need – both at university, but also for life beyond!

woman wearing gray cardigan and eyeglasses
Photo by fauxels on

Focus: Giving presentations

Standing and speaking in front of people can be scary, but practice and training will help. Click on the title or image to find out what you can do.

KSU Faculty of Foreign Studies

Department of English