Focus: Writing for class

Learn to express yourself

Being able to write well is an important life skill. It is also one of the most important skills at university.

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Writing at university

At university, the most common types of writing are assignments (homework) like essays and, perhaps, contacting your teachers. The first video below talks about writing e-mail to your teachers, and the second video goes through the basics of formatting an essay. Following each video is a file with information you can read online or download.

cute labrador retriever in eyeglasses lying on bed with book

Want to know more?

The file below includes more information about writing e-mails in general, as well as more detail and examples for how to write e-mail to your teachers.

person typing

Essay writing

An essay gives you the chance to show what you know, what you have researched, and what you think in an organized argument. The video below shows you the basics of formatting, while the file goes into more detail, including the basics of academic writing.

Below, you can see a simple graphic comparing an essay with bad formatting with an essay with good formatting. The content is the same.

Need more information on how to use APA? Look at the How to show your sources (APA入門) page on this site.

The Purdue University OWL (Online Writing Lab) is also a great source of information on writing in general, academic writing, and ways of showing sources like APA.

KSU Faculty of Foreign Studies

Department of English